Thank You

This website would not be possible without the work of so many great people building awesome open source projects. A non-exhaustive list of projects that are used by this website:

  • Hugo - the content management system powering this website
  • kss-node - to create a living styleguide for the design of the website
  • npm - frontend dependency management
  • prism.js - the syntax highlighter used throughout the site
  • - a CSS framework supporting the design of this site
  • Gulp - the build system used to build all frontend assets
  • Browsersync - amazing tool that speeds up development
  • Google Web Fonts - for custom fonts
  • CloudFlare - for the best DNS and CDN there is
  • Docker - container engine powering the CI/CD builds
  • GitLab - for Git hosting and CI/CD to deploy this website

And of course, also a big thank you to all the people/projects that help me curate content for this site:

  • - free stock photos
  • Pexels - more free stock photos
  • Subtle Patterns - nice pattern backgrounds
  • and most important: the numerous blog posts, websites and answers on StackOverflow I have learned everything I share here from

I put this list together because I find it very fascinating how many people are involved in a rather small site such as this one. Especially, when considering that I have not listed transitive projects that were used to build the projects I use. Thank you, Open Source to make this happen.

Former Thank You

Here is a big shout out to all the projects I have used for some time to get this website where it is today:

  • Kirby CMS - the content management system powering this website
  • Brunch - the build system used to build all frontend assets
  • bower - frontend dependency management
  • Bootstrap - a CSS framework supporting the design of this site
  • Bourbon - a lightweight SCSS tool set