
My latest contributions to software engineering research

Reference Models for Information Management in a Smart Factory

Abstract In the course of the fourth industrial revolution manufacturing plants are becoming increasingly intelligent and companies have to face the challenge of this increasing information flow. At present, industry and research are striving to find a viable path to enable the vision of the intelligent factory of the future. A key challenge is information management in a highly networked factory, which is also typically networked with its entire supply chain.

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Influence of slicing tools on quality of 3D printed parts

Project Background In a team of three students we had the chance to write a seminar paper examining the influence of slicing tools on the quality of 3D printed parts. After finishing the seminar paper, we decided to turn the findings into a research paper, which meant to shorten and rewrite a majority of our original work. We submitted the paper to a special issue of the Computer-Aided Design and Applications journal and the paper got accepted.

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Bachelor's Thesis: Systematic Architecture Level Fault Diagnosis Using Statistical Techniques

Abstract In the past various spectrum-based fault localization (SBFL) algorithms have been developed to pinpoint a fault location given a set of failing and passing test executions. Most of the algorithms use similarity coefficients and have only been evaluated on established benchmark programs like the Siemens set or the space program from the Software-artifact Infrastructure Repository. In addition to that, SBFL has not been applied by developers in practice yet. This study evaluates the feasibility of applying SBFL to a real-world project, namely AspectJ.

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SCAPE is an approach for online failure prediction in component-based software systems using event log analysis techniques. I was involved in this project as a research assistant at the University of Stuttgart with two friends of mine. Together, we programmed the framework and conducted the experiments which are reported in a paper published in the ValueTools 2014 conference. Used technologies include: Java, Weka machine learning library, the Kieker framework, and the R language for the evaluation/plotting of the experimental results.

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